Bash Aliases to Manage Git Flow Feature Branches Seamlessly

Bash Aliases to Manage Git Flow Feature Branches Seamlessly


A straightforward approach to managing Git Flow feature branches with Bash aliases. I crafted simple functions and aliases that allow for starting and finishing features effortlessly, but only when you're on the correct branch. The article provides practical code blocks and explanations for incorporating these helpers into your workflow.

Liteblog: A Minimalist File-Based Blog Engine for Perl

Liteblog: A Minimalist File-Based Blog Engine for Perl


I wanted to revamp my site, but WordPress felt too heavy. In a twist of nostalgia, I returned to Perl and developed LiteBlog, a Dancer2 plugin. In this article, I will walk you through how this plugin effortlessly converts a Dancer2 app into a lightweight blog platform, and I'll provide a step-by-step guide for setting it up and using it.