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Alexis Sukrieh



As the CTO of Weborama, I delve into Chrome's Privacy Sandbox and Snowflake's Data Cloud as an Online Marketing Expert. If you'd like to connect or chat professionally, LinkedIn is the best way to reach me.



Creator of PerlDancer web framework, now overseen by the Dancer Core Developer team. Occasionally releasing open-source contributions here (mostly Perl).

Call of Dungeons

Call of Dungeons

A miniature-agnostic tabletop game I've created on my spare time. Each game unfolds a unique adventure, challenging players with semi-randomized dungeons and no requirement for a game master. Available on DriveThruRPG.



Steady runs and calisthenics routines are my therapy. Check out my Strava profile and move with me.



Il m'arrive de plonger dans ce puits qu'est la littérature. Retrouvez mes livres sur ma page Amazon.

Read my Stories

La république au tapis

La république au tapis


Il est aux abois, abandonné par le jeu qu’il croyait maîtriser. Presque lessivé par ses pertes, il voit la partie lui échapper. Pas possible, pas acceptable. Son égo s’enflamme, une impulsion embrase tout son système nerveux, il pousse ses derniers billets à deux mains, l’œil allumé par l’adrénaline du joueur. Il dit : « Tapis », un sourire carnassier aux lèvres, sûr de créer la surprise une fois de plus. Il joue la France parce que perdre la face, c’est pire que de plonger le pays dans le chaos. Et puis, il ne peut pas perdre. Pas possible.

Bash Aliases to Manage Git Flow Feature Branches Seamlessly

Bash Aliases to Manage Git Flow Feature Branches Seamlessly


A straightforward approach to managing Git Flow feature branches with Bash aliases. I crafted simple functions and aliases that allow for starting and finishing features effortlessly, but only when you're on the correct branch. The article provides practical code blocks and explanations for incorporating these helpers into your workflow.

Liteblog: A Minimalist File-Based Blog Engine for Perl

Liteblog: A Minimalist File-Based Blog Engine for Perl


I wanted to revamp my site, but WordPress felt too heavy. In a twist of nostalgia, I returned to Perl and developed LiteBlog, a Dancer2 plugin. In this article, I will walk you through how this plugin effortlessly converts a Dancer2 app into a lightweight blog platform, and I'll provide a step-by-step guide for setting it up and using it.